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Something for me?

17 Jan 2019

Do you truly care about others? Yes? I thought so. Can you say that you apply that same measure of care to yourself? Ah-huh, this is where it gets interesting! I’m a psychologist by trade, but also a mum, a wife, a business owner, a leader, a manager and an adventurer (according to me). I try to practice what I preach. The question I have for you is - do you?

Meditation series: Benefits of meditation – and yes, they go beyond relaxation

05 Jan 2018

Part three of blog series on meditation: Researchers are coming to understand more and more each day just how meditation changes a person’s brain – for the better. By slowing down and clearing our minds of constant internal dialogue and overthinking, we can tap into many physiological, mental and social benefits says meditation practitioner Maree Hollebone of Mind Massage – Creating Positive Minds .